Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thing 11.5 - Evaluation

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

Taking time to work with Facebook was fun and I really appreciate learning about Slideshare, 280 slides and all the resources for videos. I will be sharing this info teachers and students and posting it on my webpage.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? Learning never ends, look at all that has changed and progressed over the length of my career (34+ years). I couldn't begin to list all I have learned through this process and other staff development along the way. Sometimes it is difficult to keep an open mind, or to feel comfortable with the technology and resources - but those of us who have survived and conquered have always had the needs of our students in the forefront.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? That 11.5 Things were a lot easier to manage than 23 Things, not so overwhelming. I think that having the new laptops were a big plus...

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? If you could keep an updated list of the resources we review, by categories in the Curriculum Wiki, it would be an easy cross reference. Thanks!

And Thanks for this opportunity. I enjoyed 10.5 of the 11.5!

Thing Eleven - Digital Citzenship

Digital citizenship has to have evolved from our earlier discussion with students of Internet Etiquette. Since we have all become more global in our connectivity - digital citizenship has to be an important component of all instruction. A list of important points might look something like this...

1. Characteristics of a good citizenship in a digital world
2. Cyber-bullying examples (new DVDs in library's collection)
3. Plagiarism/piracy/copyright laws- examples of copyright friendly/free-share resources and Citing Sources (Noodletools)
4. Safety on the Internet (privacy, sharing of information, Internet friends, chat rooms (Youtube video of Facebook Etiquette)
5. How to evaluate a website for valid information (PPT in Librarian Sharefolder)
6. Discuss expectation, rules and appropriate behavior in line with district policies.

Thing Ten - Virtual Worlds

This is the one Thing that I do not feel comfortable with. It will take a lot of time, effort and learning to move around and be good at this. Why? Well, to be real honest I'm not a game player. Sure board games are one thing, but way back when Pac-Man came out and my 5 year old daughter could beat me, I knew that this part of technology would pass me by. I understand the part that gaming plays in today's library (especially the Public Library) but it doesn't mean that I will be good at this. I try to learn and keep my students and staff informed of all the new resources and the new things available but I'm just not good at all of them. I will share this information with my students, discuss the possiblities - I read about the virtual field trips - I see that of being of great interest to a few on my campus.

I did do all the reading, downloaded, installed and created the avatar. I know I will find a few students on my campus who will love this and be willing to pass on some pointers. For now I will file this information for future experimentation.

Dewey Rhapsody

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thing Nine - Slideshare

With a name like Slideshare how can you go wrong? I see these resources as a great means for posting the final product in such a way that everyone has easy access. Also, it is an excuse buster...there should be no reason why any of our students can say that they didn't have to means to get a project of this nature done and to the teacher. No access to the SAN server, who cares... I will definately create links on my school webpage to to Slideshare and 280 Slides.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thing Eight - Screencasts

Ok, so this was the one Thing that was the most frustrating so far. Four hours later I have decided to let this post go as is and hope that with practice I will get better. I promised myself - no stress or frustration this summer. I really hope to finish all 11.5 by the end of this weekend so I can put my laptop and desktop to rest so I can enjoy the month of July catching up on good books and R&R.

I tried several of the screencast options listed and found Jing the easier to use. Not easiest, but easier. The tutorals were helpful although I'm not sure that the embed link is correct. I followed the steps carefully. Anyway the link below takes you to a very simple example of what I would use screencasting for, just as we did when we first learned about Snagit. I guess they were one of the first to provide this kind of service? I haven't used it in a long time, I know it is loaded on my school laptop. I will revisit it and jing while preparing for the next school year.

As stated, this is a simple snapshot of Meriwether - our OPAC, there would be infinite uses to give step by step instructions for getting from point A to point Z in just about everything we teach and share in our libraries. But like everything else, will our patrons read our instructions? I would hate to go through the motions of preparing for it to be just one more thing that doesn't get read. I know that sounds a bit negative, but I found that the easier we try to make things for everyone, the less they take the time to read carefully. I know you know what I mean...

So if you click on the link below you will see my sample of Screencasting. If it was supposed to show directly in the blog, please someone tell me how to do that and I will fix it...


Thing Seven - Video Resources

This video so cleverly and humorously shows students the importance of Facebook etiquette. I found it in Hulu and plan to share it with students as they embark on Facebook projects as they begin the new school year.

And this one is a simple way to introduce Twitter and the etiquette that should be in place while using it. The video was found with a Google search and was posted on the Truveo site.

Thanks for all the Fair Use documentation on video use. A bit overwhelming, but good to have for future reference.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing Six - iTouch Apps

Thanks for all the very thorough lists and links that share some creative apps that will certainly be useful to the student and teacher especially if they have their own iTouch. I found the Apple Learning Internchange webpage to be the most informative. This is the one new piece of mobile technology that I am having a difficult time seeing being used to its fullest capacity in the short time that students spend in the library, either on their own or with a class. I still see students using the iTouch in the library to work with Facebook, podcasts, digital books, wikis, nings and other internet related activities. For now I see it as a way to get students quick and spontaneous access to the internet when they don't need to print or get to the student server thus freeing up the desktop for other students who do. So 16 more students have internet access at any given time during the day. Maybe after all the summer activity we'll be able to create some definitive lists of iTouch activities that lend themselves solely to the time spent in the library. Right now what I stated above is about all I can think of, although if the technology were to be checked out to students, the list of possiblities would be endless. I am not advocating for checkout, just stating the facts.

We were successful at downloading a variety of aps to our new iTouches. "We" means I handed them over to my favorite patient and all knowing student assistants and they had no issues doing this. Since the iTouches are out of my possession for the summer, I will try again in August. You will not see me in the Apple store at the mall, maybe Marble Slab but not Apple.

As for the info on Wikipedia, I found the posting interesting and informative. Once again we will have to reteach and help teachers rethink the possibilities that this resource provides. I know that we were all a little skeptical at first, but by all accounts Wikipedia seems to have improved and become a valuable resource. Better get familiar with this and other free resources in case of database funding dries up...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On a personal note

I will be unplugged from 06/17-06/24 while I enjoy celebrating my mother's 90th birthday. I will be sharing a wonderful movie I created for her and the family with resources I learned about in 23 Things...

See you in 11.5 some time next week...

Thing Five - Microblogging

Ok, so I joined Facebook and Twitter, easy enough and immediately was contacted by roommates from college - back when computers took up an entire room, the card catalog still had cards in it, and we all kept in touch with a rotary phone and pen and paper!

All the microblogging resources are a fine way to maintain connectivity globally with peers or with those in the know. I see it as a way to tap into human resources and keep connected to get guidance, share ideas and experiences. If used properly this definately opens up a world of opportunity for our students. Notice, I said properly. I'm hoping that in the 2nd year of Facebook use, our students will use it more for school and less for looking at pictures of their friends in provocative pictures. If anyone has some realistic ideas on how to manage the constant flow of kids out of class to check their facebook accounts - please let me know.

I really like the backchanneling especially when you have a library full of kids working on different projects that all have a common goal or theme, idea sharing can be instanteous - if you have the technology to support this. I think we do with the new technology that arrived this spring.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thing Four Video Hosting

No problems creating an account and uploading Animoto video. My video didn't really serve much purpose other than to practice, so I deleted it.

As we move forward with all the new technology in our library, I can see that we will be using Teacher Tube and You Tube to enhance connectivity and staying abreast of the audio and visual world that gets opened up with these video hosting sites. I'm sure the students of my school will be telling me how they will be using it. I will be posting student video products as they come in during the next school year.

Thing Three - Skype Hype

Skype was easy to download and setup on school's laptop, I see it being easily used on the new iMacs and Macbooks since they have built in webcams. The articles were interesting and there are many education related applications for this service. As always it will be limited by having the technology to run it.

What a innovative way to connect with students to assist with reference questions, guidance with Library Resources, distance learning, help from teachers and interacting with authors. I will use this in my library along with all the other new technology now in place.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thing Two Image Generators Revisited

Warning, warning...

My postings this time are going to be very self-centered. Sorry folks, you are on your own trying to figure out how to use these in you own environments. I will be thinking about how these resources will help me, in my specific location to facilitate for things that I want to get another year going.

This will be a great way to introduce new concepts to Freshman and reinforce old concepts to the the rest of the crew. What a eye catcher - I plan to show our students all the new technology available to them with either a Worldle or Wordshift. Maybe create a poster to adorn my new walls with the terminology associated with our new technolgy.


I see this as a beginning tool to create a photo album using a set of defined images. This is great for kids who can't decide what images to use. Great of biography research and book reviews/

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thing One - Fun, Fun. Fun Again?

Ok, here we go again. It has been a long while since I've added anything to my blog. But 11.5 will get me motivated to rejoin the blogging world.

Thing One shows us the importance of connectivity. Librarians share resources that build connectivity and information sharing. Students and other users will use these tools to enhance their learning experience.