Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing Fourteen - Tags and more Tags

Technorati - this was not one of my favorites in the quest to be literate in Web 2.0OK, I get it, the blogs are organized here, but there seemed to be so much trash to shuffle through. I tried the keyword search and tag search - the tag search was so much more cleaner. I get it, the tags are like subject headings, the more you use, the better the chances are that the book, webpage, article, blog, podcast, etc., etc., can be located and used.

I will not be adding this site to my Delicious account, I don't see myself using it, but I'm sure that blog gurus will find this useful.

2/3 of the project completed! I need an organizer for all the logins and passwords...

1 comment:

Terry said...

You're doing great! You WILL make it. I didn't really like technorati either. I found it got a little easier from here. Hope you do too!